ประวัติย่อ ความเป็นมาขององค์กร

Union for Civil Liberty (UCL)

Background History
    The Union for Civil Liberty was founded on 24th November, 1973, immediately after a popular rising on October 14th which overthrew the Thanom-Prapas dictatorial regime. UCL, an independent, non-governmental organization, was established by a group of democratic-minded students, academics, lawyers, and citizens from various professions who were firmly committed to civil rights and liberties in Thai society.
    Following a bloody massacre on 6th October, 1976, and the re-imposition of martial law, UCL was forced to suspend its activities. After the promulgation of a new Constitution guaranteeing civil liberties in December 1978 UCL could resume operation.
    UCL is a membership organization, open to all who wish to participate and join in upholding the principles of human rights and working for the benefit of the under-privileged and disadvantaged sections of society. It neither seeks political power nor aligns itself with any political group.
    In the past years UCL has been actively involved in the promotion and protection of civil rights and liberties in Thai society. It has undertaken this task through legal aid, dissemination of legal knowledge to the public, campaigns against unjust legislation, and the promotion of people's organizations and citizens groups to safeguard human rights.
    1. To study and disseminate knowledge and information of civil rights and liberties in order to promote a democratic system in Thai society.
    2. To provide general services to the public against violations of civil rights and basic freedoms         
    3. To collaborate with like-minded organizations and associations in human rights work.
    4. To raise the level of consciousness on civil rights and liberties of the people throughout Thailand so that actions at community level can be undertaken effectively.
    5. To safeguard and protect the civil rights and liberties of citizens with legal measures.
    6. To protect the rights of consumers, to ensure a clean and healthy environment, and to conserve the ecological inheritance of the people.

UCL Founders (1973)

Name                                                   Present Position
Professor Saneh Chamarik                  Chairperson, National Human Rights Commission
Dr.Ravi  Pawilai                                  Thinker, a leading light of social consciousness in Thai society
Police Major Anant  Senakhan           Past away staunch anti-corruption police officer
Dr.Gothom Arya                                 Registrar, Asian Institute of Technology
Dr.Chanetwanlop  Khunthong           Lecturer, Faculty of Economics, Chulalongkorn University
Dr.Sutheera  Thompson                      Director, Gender and Development Research Institute
Police Captain Warasit  Sumon
Dr.Nuanpen  Wichianchote
Dr.Prudhisarn  Jumbala                       Lecturer, Faculty of Political Science, Chulalongkorn University
Badin  Assawanich
Sathit  Limpongpan                            Director General, Department of Excise
Issara  Suwanbon
Dr.Songkram Sapcharoen
Prem  Malakul Na Ayudhya
Khunying Kanok  Samsenville           President, Girl Guides Association of Thailand        

UCL Chairpersons
Professor Saneh  Chamarik                                                 1973-1974
Associate Professor Pruddhisarm Jumbala                 1975-1976
Associate Professor Gothom Arya                             1979-1980
Ms.Srisawang Phuawongphaet                                   1981-1982
Assistant Professor Charnchai Limpiyakorn               1983-1984
Mr.Charn Kaewchusai                                                1985-1986
Associate Professor Songporn Tajaroensak                1987-1988
Assistant Professor Sampan Hoonpayon                    1989-1991
Associate Professor Gothom Arya                             1992-1994
Mr.Somchai Homla-or                                                1995-1998
Associate Professor Jaran Ditta-apichai                      1999-2000
Ms.Ratchadaporn Kaewsanit                                      2001-2002
Mr.Jaturong Boonyaratanasoontorn                           2003-2008, 2014-2017
Dr.Danthong  Breen                                                   2009-2013

UCL Committee (2018-2020)
1.      Mr.Nikorn  Weesapen                                     Chairperson
 Human rights lawyer
2.      Mr.Ratsada  Manooratsada                             Vice Chairperson 1
 Human rights lawyer
3.      Mr.Gawin  Chutima                                        Vice Chairperson 2
Human rights Defender
4.      Mrs.Pairatana Junthong                                  Treasurer
Human rights Defender
5.      Mss.Somsri  Hananuntasuk                             Registrar and Legal Matter
Human rights Defender
6.      Mss.sayamol Kaiyoorawongs                         Committee Member
Human rights Defender
7.      Mrs.Suntaree  Saeg-ging                                 Committee Member
8.      Mss.Junjira  Junpaew                                      Committee Member
      Human rights lawyer

9.      Mr.Suntachai  Chaigate                                  Committee Member
Human rights lawyer
10.  Dr.Banjerd Singkaneti                                    Committee Member   
11.  Mr.Niwat  Kaewruan                                      Committee Member
Human rights lawyer
12.  Mss.Nitaya Wangpaiboon                               Committee Member
Human rights lawyer

1. Dr.Godhom  Arya                                                   Registrar, Asian Institute of Technology
2. Prof. Pasuk  Pongpaijit                                           Faculty of Economics, Chulalongkorn University
3. Associate Prof. Songporn  Tacharoensak               Lecturer, Suranaree University
4. Associate Prof. MR Prudhisarn Jumbala                Faculty of Social Science, Chulalongkorn University
5. Mr.Somchai  Homla-or                                           Secretary General , FORUM-ASIA
6. Assistant Prof. Chanetwanlop  Khunthong                        Lecturer, Faculty of Economics, Chulalongkorn University
7. Assistant Prof. Suratsawadee  Hoonpayon                        Graduate Volunteer Bureau, Thammasat University
8. Dr.Daniel  Breen                                                     Lecturer, Mahanakhon Technology University
9. Ms.Chalida  Tacharoensak                                      Campaign Coordinator, FORUM-ASIA
10. Ms.Ratchadaporn  Kaewsanit                               Independent academic
11. Mr.Niran  Janta                                                     Student Christian Center
12. Mr.Nikorn  Weesapen                                           Lawyer, Nikorn Veesapen Law Office
13. Mr.Jatun  Kerdbarnchan                                       Lawyer
14. Mr.Wasant  Panich                                                National Human Rights Commissioner
15. Ms.Nittaya  Wangpaiboon                                    Lawyer
16. Assistant Prof. Charnchai Limpiyakorn                Lecturer, Faculty of Engineering,
Chulalongkorn University
17. Assistant Prof. Sampan Hoonpayon                     Lecturer,

Office:             109 Suthisarnwinichai Rd., Samsennok, Huay Kwang, Bangkok 10310
                        Tel: (662)-2754231 -2   Fax: (662)-2754230
                        E-mail: uclthailand@gmail.com
