for Civil Liberty (UCL)
Union for Civil Liberty was founded on 24th November, 1973, immediately after a
popular rising on October 14th which overthrew the Thanom-Prapas dictatorial
regime. UCL, an independent, non-governmental organization, was established by
a group of democratic-minded students, academics, lawyers, and citizens from
various professions who were firmly committed to civil rights and liberties in
Thai society.
Following a bloody massacre on 6th October, 1976, and the re-imposition of
martial law, UCL was forced to suspend its activities. After the promulgation
of a new Constitution guaranteeing civil liberties in December 1978 UCL could
resume operation.
is a membership organization, open to all who wish to participate and join in
upholding the principles of human rights and working for the benefit of the
under-privileged and disadvantaged sections of society. It neither seeks
political power nor aligns itself with any political group.
the past years UCL has been actively involved in the promotion and protection
of civil rights and liberties in Thai society. It has undertaken this task
through legal aid, dissemination of legal knowledge to the public, campaigns
against unjust legislation, and the promotion of people's organizations and
citizens groups to safeguard human rights.
Objectives1. To study and disseminate knowledge and information of civil rights and liberties in order to promote a democratic system in Thai society.
2. To provide general services to the public against violations of civil rights and basic freedoms
3. To collaborate with like-minded organizations and associations in human rights work.
4. To raise the level of consciousness on civil rights and liberties of the people throughout Thailand so that actions at community level can be undertaken effectively.
5. To safeguard and protect the civil rights and liberties of citizens with legal measures.
6. To protect the rights of consumers, to ensure a clean and healthy environment, and to conserve the ecological inheritance of the people.
UCL Founders (1973)
Name Present
Professor Saneh Chamarik Chairperson,
National Human Rights Commission
Dr.Ravi Pawilai Thinker,
a leading light of social consciousness in Thai society
Police Major Anant
Senakhan Past away
staunch anti-corruption police officer
UCL Committee (2018-2020)
Office: 109 Suthisarnwinichai Rd., Samsennok,
Huay Kwang, Bangkok 10310
Tel: (662)-2754231 -2 Fax:
E-mail: uclthailand@gmail.com